Everything is ready for the opening show of the Olympic games of 2021. But do you know the story of this incredible stadium? No? Follow us along.
The opening show of the Olympic games of 2021 is this Friday, the 23rd of July and it starts around 1 pm – Europe Time – which means is around 8 pm in Tokyo. The lights are going to be seen all over and for the first time, the Olympian torch is not going to be light up surrounded by the sound of an effusive audience. Due to Covid, this year, there’s no applause.
The Story behind the stadium
This stadium was built by Kengo Huma. It’s an architectural piece full of history and it’s talked about because it cost more than 1 billion dollars and because of the involvement of the architect Zaha Hadid.
It all started when was decided to re-built the previous Olympic Stadium because they felt like it was dated.
So, it was decided to do a new one, based on a project by the famous architect Zaha Hadid. Despite not being like at first, where some referred to it as a “turtle” and it was said that the budget of 1 billion was not enough. On that note, it was declared that the design was being re-arranged in order to be more modern and cheaper. Three years later, the new National Stadium in Tokyo was born and this year, it hosts the Olympic Games of 2021.
See also: THE NEW MUSEUMS OF 2021
The stadium can take 60 thousand people which is one of the aspects that makes this stadium incredible. It has a very futuristic design with the use of elements from nature around the sides of the stadium.