The company, acclaimed for its solid wood open-work panels, entrusted to the designers/carpenters collective at WOODLABO the design of a 3D range which magnifies woodwork and offers architects a new pallet. Together, they created PIX, SCALE and EDGE for interior layout. Join Daily Design News and get to know the new amazing wooden architectural wall panels, and be tempted to get them for your home!
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LINEA 3D: A graphic play on volumes, rhythm and light
The new LINEA 3D range is composed of three new products: PIX, EDGE and SCALE. Using the references of LAUDESCHER‘s main woods (pine, oak, beech, Douglas) obtained from sustainably managed forests, WOODLABO wanted to play with form, rhythm and light, with a pronounced graphic aspect, bringing an “haute-couture” aesthetic thanks to an in-depth exploration of the woodwork.
“On PIX, we played with pixels, but also with the contrast of the bare wood colour on this one, which is lighter, against the rest of the panel, which is darker. On SCALE: We combined hollow as if gouged, with a volume, in order to maximise the play on shadows on the hexagonal motif, which is hence revealed, and to catch the light differently so that the wood practically vibrates. EDGE is all curves, on bevelled slats, for a rather delicate, almost sensual result” explains the collective.
Infinite acoustic and aesthetic potential for architects
“Across these three very different products, it’s easy to see all of the potential offered by wood, a magical material. Especially since you can play with the species and the large palette of Wax Color shades available,” adds Delphine Oreal, commercial director of LAUDESCHER. The spacing between the slats, the rhythm and other configurations can also be adjusted by the company, which is well-experienced in tailor-made work in complex projects and always ready to collaborate with architects to bring their designs to life. The acoustic performances of this range are also a key asset (absorption/diffusion) thanks to the sound trap effect between the slats, the panels were also lined with a coated acoustic insulator.
The strength of the synergy between designers, woodwork artisans and the manufacturer
A leading Norman family business, LAUDESCHER, whose driving force has always been innovation ever since its creation (it was the 1st Claustra creator in France), wanted to put to use its pioneering industrial tools and the incomparable know-how of its teams. “Our latest machines allow us to work the wood in 3D and to create pieces that were previously impossible to create in large series,” outlines Delphine Oréal, who entrusted the task of envisaging these products of tomorrow to the WOODLABO collective. “The twofold capability – that of the designers capable of a creative vision beyond technical constraints and that of the wood artisans who know perfectly the potential of this material – allowed us to go even further in terms of proposals. They were able to take us towards new horizons.” A true challenge for all of the members of this multi-discipline team who all share the same “love of work well done” and genuine human relations. A collaboration which opens the door to the design of particularly innovative future wooden architectural solutions.
A workshop founded in Finland in 2010 and now established in France, the Woodlabo team, made up of Gaël Wuithier, Benoît Beaupuy and Samuel Accoceberry, shares a penchant for human values, simplicity and challenges. Their complementary profiles of designers and carpenter Compagnon du Devoir give them expertise and know-how entirely specific to innovation based on wood. They intervene mainly in interior architecture, design and manufacturing.