The nomination comes from UNESCO and the key for this nomination is sustainability. Copenhagen is one step ahead.

Copenhill | Copenhagen

The sucessor of Rio de Janeiro

The city, according to UNESCO is one step ahead of becoming more sustainable and that’s why they are the choice for this very special nomination. Copenhagen will be the Capital of Architecture. After the designation of Rio de Janeiro in 2020, now is the time for a European city to win the title.


The future is green and there are many countries that are fighting to make their countries earth-friendly and help to save the planet, set by set. It’s important to take action, especially in the pandemic context we are living in, and not ignore the signs. Copenhagen receives this very special nomination and has got the goal to inspire other countries to do it.


For this nomination, the jury considered many aspects such as the urban development of the city, which has a very sustainable perspective. The director of Unesco said that they were very happy to see this nomination going to different cities, ” Rio de Janeiro was a true success and it highlighted the important role of urban planning, especially during the pandemic.

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Sustainability is the keyword and Copenhague will be the stage of many events, speeches, and debates about the future. We can only hope the world gets a bit safe again for us to travel and visit this magical place. Until 2023, Copenhagen has the chance to polish what’s missing and to proudly show in 2023 what they have accomplished.

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